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A New SPOT4-VEGETATION Derived Land Cover Map of Northern Eurasia

Bartalev S.A., Belward A., Ershov D.V., Isaev A.S.

// International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003. Vol.24. № 9. P. 1977-1982.

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the Russian Academy of Science's Centre for Forest Ecology and Productivity have produced a new 1 km spatial resolution land cover map of Eurasia from 1999 SPOT-VEGETATION data. The legend is designed to serve users from science programmes, policy makers, environmental convention secretariats,nongovernmental organizations, development-aid projects and the national forest sevice. The 1999 map is also being updated as part of an international exercise to map Global Land Cover for the year 2000. This Letter describes the map legend, the image classification method, the map accuracy assessment process and presents the land cover map.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/bartalev/north_eurasia_glc2000.pdf