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Mapping of Clear Cut in Boreal Forest Ecosystems with MODIS

Bucha T., Stibig H-J, Bartalev S.A., Kuryatnikova T.A.

// Proceedings of the Conference "Climate Change - Forest Ecosystems & Landscape", Sielnica-Zvolen, Slovak Republic, 2005.

MODIS satellite images at medium spatial resolution offer new opportunities for mapping and monitoring of forest change. In this paper we discuss methods applied for assessing clear cuts from MODIS imagery in the boreal forests of Northwest Russia. The guantification of forest change caused by conventional clear cutting for large geographical areas is of interest not only for addressing issues of sustainable management, but also for reporting of carbon sinks and sources. We conclude that satellite images of medium spatial resolution could be a reliable tool for the detection of clear cuts in boreal forest. When aiming at an accurate assessment of clear cut areas, hawever, a combination of satellite imagery of medium and high resolution provides more reliable results.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/sotrudniki/bucha_stibig_bartalev.pdf