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Software for Personal Station for HRPT Data Acquisition

Loupian E.A., Zakharov M.Y., Mazurov A.A., Flitman E.V.

// 1 Intern. Symp. on “Reducing the Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations” Proc. 1995. RAL Chilton. Oxfordshire, 1995. P. 68.1-68.9.

The report presents the description of software package for personal stations for HRPT data acquisition, developed at SMIS Laboratory. The package operates on personal computers in Microsoft Windows 3.1 environment. It provides possibility for data acquisition, fragmentation, pre-processing and thematic processing. This software is currently installed on the most HRPT acquisition stations in CIS.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/archiv_90/loupian_software_1995.pdf