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Flexible System of Updating Software for Satellite Images Processing

Loupian E.A., Zakharov M.Y., Mazurov A.A., Flitman E.V.

// 1 Intern. Symp. on “Reducing the Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations” Proc. 1995. RAL Chilton. Oxfordshire, 1995. P. 65.1-65.6.

The increasing number of users of satellite information and development of new systems of remote sensing requires frequent changes and upgrades of the software for satellite data processing. Thus on the first places come the following requirements: reduction of time expenses for software development; ease of learning new programs by the users. One of possibilities to make the process of software development more efficient is to split the required updates to several levels, so that both users and programmers can work independently on each of these levels. The report informs about the software system that implements special support for each of these levels. The system was developed in MS Windows 3.1 environment for personal station for acquisition and processing of data from the NOAA series satellites in the HRPT mode.

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/archiv_90/loupian_flexible_1995.pdf