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Версия для печати
  1. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of June 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for May-June. - JRC, Italy, 2006. Bulletin № 3.
  2. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of May 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for Winter Crops. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin №3.
  3. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of April 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for March-April 2006. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin №2.
  4. Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of January 2006 - Agro-meteorological Overview for Winter Crops. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin № 1.
  5. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries. Situation at the End of July 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for Summer Cops. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin №4.
  6. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of February 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for November - February 2006. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin №1.
  7. Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries - Situation at the End of September 2005- Agro-meteorological Overview for Summer Crops. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin № 5.
  8. Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of October 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for September-October 2006. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin № 5.
  9. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Monitoring Agriculture for Food Security. South and East Mediterranean Countries- Situation at the End of March 2006. Agro-meteorological Overview for Winter Crops. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin №2.
  10. Genovese G., Baruth B., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report - Review of the 2005-2006 Campaign from the 10 January to 31 March 2006. - JRC. Italy, 2006. Vol. 14. №. 02.
  11. Genovese G., Baruth B., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report - Situation: 1 November 2005-10 January 2006. - JRC. Italy., 2006. Vol. 14. № 1.
  12. Genovese G., Baruth B., Bettio М., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report - Review of the 2005-2006 Campaign and Situation on 1 September to 10 November 2006. - JRC. Italy., 2006. Vol. 14. № 06.
  13. Genovese G., Baruth B., Bettio М., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report - Situation: 10 May to 30 June 2006. - JRC. Italy., 2006. Vol. 14. № 4.
  14. Савин И.Ю. Прогнозирование урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур с использованием данных SPOT-VEGETATION (подходы MARS-FOOD проекта) // Четвертая всероссийская открытая конференция "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса". Москва. ИКИ РАН. 13-17 ноября 2006. Сборник тезисов конференции., 2006. С. 10.
  15. Нейштадт И.А., Барталев С.А., Лупян Е.А., Щербенко Е.В. Разработка методов мониторинга пахотных земель России по данным спутниковых наблюдений радиометром MODIS // Четвертая всероссийская открытая конференция "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса". Москва. ИКИ РАН. 13-17 ноября 2006. Сборник тезисов конференции., 2006. С. 222.
Версия для печати